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Friday 15 May 2015

Packet Tracer Shortcuts

Packet Tracer Shortcuts

Packet Tracer Shortcuts

Many actions in Packet Tracer are keyboard-accessible for your convenience. In addition to key combinations, the following keys deserve extra attention:
Alt: Press this key to activate the Menu Bar options. Press Alt plus the underlined letter in the in the menu bar to open the menu. Then press the underlined letter in the command name that you want. In fact, whenever you see an underlined letter in any option or dialogue, you can press that key to select it.
Ctrl: Use this key to quickly create multiple devices and connections. Press and hold the Ctrlkey, choose a specific device or a connection type, and then release the key. You can now quickly place multiple instances of that device on the workspace or make multiple connections of that type between devices. Alternatively, you can press and hold the Ctrl key and drag a device on the workspace to duplicate the device. The Ctrl key can also be used to prevent windows from docking (press and hold the key as you drag a window).
Shift: Use this key with the mouse to select multiple objects. Press and hold the Shift key, click and drag the cursor to draw a selection rectangle around the objects you want to select, and then release the key. Alternatively, you can hold Shift, click on all the devices you want to select, and then release the key. You can move the selected objects as one unit. You can also delete them with the Del key.
Esc: This key is a shortcut to the Select tool in the Common Tools Bar. It also serves as a “cancel” key. It closes certain pop-up windows or cancels/stops the current action (e.g., continuously placing devices or continuously making connections).
Ctrl + NStart a New network.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing network.
Ctrl + Shift + TOpen Samples.
Ctrl + SSave the current network.
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the current network to a different name and/or directory (Save As).
Ctrl + Alt + ZCtrl + Alt + Z.
Ctrl + PPrint the current network.
Alt + F4Exit Packet Tracer.
Ctrl + CCopy the selected items.
Ctrl + VPaste the selected items.
Ctrl + ZUndo the previous action.
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the previous action.
Ctrl + RView Preferences.
Ctrl + Shift + UOpen the User Profile dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + MOpen the Algorithm Settings dialog.
Ctrl + IZoom In to the workspace.
Ctrl + TReset the zoom of the workspace.
Ctrl + UZoom Out of the workspace.
Ctrl + Shift + AOpen/Close Main Toolbar.
Ctrl + Shift + ROpen/Close Right Toolbar.
Ctrl + Shift + BOpen/Close Bottom Toolbar
Ctrl + WRun the Activity Wizard.
Ctrl + Alt + LFor Multiuser Extensions, do Listen.
Ctrl + Alt + PFor Multiuser Extensions, do Port Visibility.
Ctrl + Alt + YFor Multiuser Extensions, do Options.
Ctrl + Alt + GFor Multiuser Extensions, do Save Offline Copy As.
Ctrl + Shift + CFor IPC, do Config Apps.
Ctrl + Shift + QFor IPC, do Show Active Apps.
Ctrl + Shift + JFor IPC, do Options.
Ctrl + Shift + KFor IPC, do Log.
F1Open the Help Files.
F11Open the Tutorials.
F12Open the About page.
Shift + LSwitch to Logical Workspace.
Shift + PSwitch to Physical Workspace.
Shift + RSwitch to Realtime Mode.
Shift + SSwitch to Simulation Mode.
Ctrl + F5For Logical Workspace, click [Root] button.
Shift + UFor Logical Workspace, click New Cluster button.
Shift + MFor Logical Workspace, click Move Object button.
Shift + IFor Logical Workspace, click Set Tiled Background button.
Shift + VFor Logical Workspace, click Viewport button.
Shift + NFor Physical Workspace, open Navigation Panel.
Shift + CFor Physical Workspace, create New City.
Shift + BFor Physical Workspace, create New Building.
Shift + WFor Physical Workspace, create New Closet.
Shift + GFor Physical Workspace, show Grid.
Shift + HFor Physical Workspace, open Working Closet.
Alt+SClick the Power Cycle Devices button.
Alt+DClick the Fast Forward Time button.
Alt + BIn Simulation mode, click Back button.
Alt + PIn Simulation mode, click AutoCapture/Play button.
Alt + CIn Simulation mode, click Capture/Forward button.
Alt + IIn Simulation mode, click Show Event List button.
Ctrl + Alt + RShow Router devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + SShow Switch devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + UShow Hub devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + WShow Wireless devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + OShow Connection types in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + VShow End Devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + NShow WAN Emulation devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + TShow Custom Made Devices in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + MShow Multiuser Connection in the Device Specific Box.
Ctrl + Alt + iAdd the ith device in the Device Specific Box to the Workspace.
Ctrl + SpaceView rubber band rectangle to select.
Up ArrowMove rubber band rectangle upwards.
Down ArrowMove rubber band rectangle downwards.
Right ArrowMove rubber band rectangle right.
Left ArrowMove rubber band rectangle left.
SpaceSelect device.
EnterShow Device Dialog for selected device.
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove selected devices upwards.
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove selected devices downwards.
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove selected devices right.
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove selected devices left.
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen Scenario Description.
Ctrl + Shift + NNew Scenario .
Ctrl + Shift + DDelete Scenario .
Ctrl + Shift + OToggle PDU List Window.
Ctrl + InsertCopy text in CLI console/Cmd Prompt.
Shift + InsertPaste text in CLI console/Cmd Prompt.
MChoose the Move Layout tool.
NChoose the Place Note tool.
DeleteChoose the Delete tool. If you have selected multiple objects, pressing Delete will delete them.
IChoose the Inspect tool.
Alt+RChoose the Resize tool.
PClick the Add Simple PDU button.
CClick the Add Complex PDU button.
CChoose Cancel in confirmation dialogues.
NChoose No in confirmation dialogues.
YChoose Yes in confirmation dialogues.
Ctrl + NNew Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop).
Ctrl + OOpen an existing Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop).
Ctrl + SSave the current Text Editor File (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop).
Alt + F4Exit Text Editor (Valid in PC Desktop and Server Desktop).
Alt + SSend Email from email client in PC.


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